A New Modern Pantheon
Creating a modern pantheon of gods involves translating ancient mythological themes into contemporary contexts, reflecting modern values, concerns, and societal structures. Here’s what we envisioned as a pantheon of deities tailored for the modern era, drawing from the attributes and stories of the gods and entities from the ancient near east:

- Adon (Adonis) – God of Renewal and Aesthetic Beauty: In a world that constantly seeks rejuvenation and prizes beauty, Adon symbolizes personal growth and the regeneration of urban landscapes. He is the patron of environmental sustainability and urban renewal projects, promoting both natural beauty and the revitalization of city spaces.
- Anath – Goddess of Equity and Justice: Reflecting her warrior aspect and her role in defending her kin, Anath transitions into a goddess who champions social justice, equality, and the protection of the vulnerable. She is a figure of empowerment, advocating for equal rights and fighting against social injustices in modern society.
- Asherah – Mother of Innovation and Connectivity: As the Mother of Gods and the Lady of the Sea, Asherah evolves into the deity overseeing technological innovation and digital connectivity. She embodies the nurturing of ideas and the seamless flow of communication, fostering community and knowledge sharing across the globe.
- Ashtar – God of Transition and Adaptation: Embodying the Venus Star’s qualities of brightness followed by disappearance, Ashtar represents the ability to adapt and thrive through change. He is the guardian of transitions, whether career shifts, personal transformations, or adapting to technological advancements.
- Baal – Guardian of Climate and Agriculture: Drawing from Baal’s association with storms and fertility, this god now oversees climate change and agricultural sustainability. He symbolizes humanity’s efforts to balance environmental stewardship with the need for food production, advocating for sustainable practices and renewable energy sources.
- Dagon – Patron of Bioinnovation and Food Security: Evolving from a vegetation god, Dagon now focuses on bioinnovation, genetically modified crops, and ensuring global food security. He represents the forefront of agricultural science, ensuring that advancements benefit humanity and reduce hunger.
- El – Supreme Deity of Wisdom and Governance: As the fatherly figure and creator, El represents wisdom, ethical governance, and leadership in the modern era. He guides decision-makers, inspiring integrity, and foresight in addressing global challenges, from political unrest to climate crisis.
- ESHMUN – God of Health and Well-being: Reflecting his ancient healing role, Eshmun is the protector of healthcare systems and personal well-being. He embodies the pursuit of medical breakthroughs and the holistic care of the physical and mental health of individuals.
- Shapash – Sun Goddess of Energy and Innovation: Once the torch of the gods, Shapash now illuminates the path toward renewable energy sources like solar power. She symbolizes the pursuit of innovation in clean energy, leading humanity away from fossil fuels toward a sustainable future.
- Yam-Nahar – Deity of Water Conservation and Ocean Protection: Originally a primordial sea god, Yam-Nahar now champions the conservation of water resources and the protection of the oceans. He embodies the critical balance between utilizing and safeguarding water bodies, highlighting issues like pollution and overfishing.
This modern pantheon reflects a blend of ancient archetypes and contemporary concerns, emphasizing sustainability, justice, innovation, and adaptation as crucial virtues in today’s world.
What are your choices? Who will you worship when our modern civilization crashes and burns?